Sunday, September 07, 2008

Connectivism & Connective Knowledge

Along with over 1600 other people, I'm about to take part in "Connectivism & Connective Knowledge", a MOOC - a massively open online course facilitated by two of the leading lights in online, Web 2.0, interactive, collaborative, networked learning (I'm sure there are many other descriptors), George Siemens of the University of Manitoba's Learning and Teaching Centre and Stephen Downes, of the National Research Council of Canada.

Details and information on the course are available from the course wiki. I'm really looking forward to this opportunity to enagage in discussions and reflections with people from all over the world, to share and discuss what is going on with connectivism and online learning and teaching.

A lot of great planning has gone into the course and there are some amazing references available - check it out, should be an amazing learning experience...

(Photo - "Foobar Poster - The Internet" - Sebastian Prooth)

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