Sunday, March 22, 2009

It IS The Web 2.0 Adminsitration...

Much has been made of how President Obama used social networking and other Web 2.0 tools in his election campaign. Now is appears that some of the Web 2.0 savvy has spilled over into his administration. The U.S. State Department is using several tools to keep people up to date on what it is up to. Good to see a government that for many years was almost technology-phobic embracing the tools and technologies that will let it effectively communicate with large parts of the world. Even the White House Web site has been spruced up, complete with its own blog feed.

The US State Department is on Twitter, has a YouTube channel, and a blog. If you want to follow Hillary's travels, there is an interactive map.

It IS so the 2.0 administration...

(Image - US State Department Web site banner)

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